By Type


The bouquet contains Australian Native.

Flower-bouquet 86

The bouquet contains White Oriental Lilies, Easter Daisy or berry or Lisianthus or Chrysanthemums with greenery.

Flower-bouquet 85

The bouquet contains Pink Oriental Lilies, Easter Daisy or lisianthus or chrysanthemums or berry with Greenery.

Flower-bouquet 101

5 stems Singapore orchid, gyp and greenery.

Flower-bouquet 82

The bouquet contains 6 premium pink roses, lilies and greenery.

Flower-bouquet 71

The bouquet contains 6 Premium Red Roses, lilies and greenery.


6 disbud mum, gyp and greenery 

Flower-bouquet 50

5 red, 5 white roses and lylies with greenery bouquet

Vd-flower-bouquet 76

Bouquet contains 10 premium red roses, gyp lilies and greenery.

Flower-bouquet 63

This bouquet contains 10 purple/pink roses, oriental lilies, lisianthus and greenery.

Flower-bouquet 72

The bouquet has 4 white disbuds, 5 white snap dragon, and 5 white roses with greenery.

Vase-arrangement 83

Vase arrangement has native flowers, disbuds with greenery.
Hotline: 0396463361

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